alright so i was bored at storm peaks after i had gotten my Time lost proto drake and i saw some dude camping for it so i spammed /lol and he said he had reported me for "HARASSMENT" should i be ok? or not
cuz this dude doesnt seem so smart :S
and im not "harassing" him in anyway all i did was simply use a lot of /lol on him :)
The ignore feature does not absolve you from your responsibilities to be part of a positive gaming community, just as the mature language filter does not make cursing acceptable behavior. The long and short of the situation? If you violate our policies, and you are reported and found in violation of them, you can and will receive account action for it. You may want review, specifically, our Harassment policy, and perhaps become more familiar with the method in which we action other players. Harassment Policy Account Penalties As this topic is sort of flailing wildly in every direction and not progressing particularly positively, I'll be locking it. |