Update: 12:00 PM PDT
Quick update! The following realms are slowly coming online at this time: Arathor Azjol-Nerub Bloodscalp Bonechewer Boulderfist Bronzebeard Crushridge Daggerspine Darkspear Draenor Dragonblight Dragonmaw Dunemaul Eldre'Thalas Feathermoon Firetree Frostmane Gurubashi Nathrezim Perenolde Scarlet Crusade Shadow Council Shadowsong Silvermoon Skywall Smolderthorn Spirestone Stonemaul Stormscale Suramar Terenas Uldum Windrunner If your realm is listed above, but is not yet available, give it a few minutes and then check back again. Maintenance is also still underway for the realms listed below. We anticipate that these realms will be online and playable by approximately 2:30 PM PDT. (We'll continue to provide updates in the meantime, though.) Aegwynn Akama Aman'Thul Barthilas Blackrock Caelestrasz Chromaggus Dath'Remar Draka Drak'thul Dreadmaul Eitrigg Frostmourne Frostwolf Garithos Gundrak Hakkar Jubei'Thos Khaz Modan Khaz'goroth Kil'jaeden Kilrogg Korgath Kul Tiras Malorne Mug'thol Muradin Nagrand Ner'zhul Proudmoore Rexxar Runetotem Saurfang Sen'jin Silver Hand Thaurissan Thorium Brotherhood Tichondrius Vek'nilash ------------------------------------------------------ Good morning, everyone! We encountered some unexpected issues while performing upgrades during today's scheduled maintenance. To ensure these issues are resolved as quickly as possible, maintenance has been extended for the following realms: Aegwynn Akama Aman'Thul Arathor Azjol-Nerub Barthilas Blackrock Bloodscalp Bonechewer Boulderfist Bronzebeard Caelestrasz Chromaggus Crushridge Daggerspine Darkspear Dath'Remar Draenor Dragonblight Dragonmaw Draka Drak'thul Dreadmaul Dunemaul Eitrigg Eldre'Thalas Feathermoon Firetree Frostmane Frostmourne Frostwolf Garithos Gundrak Gurubashi Hakkar Jubei'Thos Khaz Modan Khaz'goroth Kil'jaeden Kilrogg Korgath Kul Tiras Malorne Mug'thol Muradin Nagrand Nathrezim Ner'zhul Perenolde Proudmoore Rexxar Runetotem Saurfang Scarlet Crusade Sen'jin Shadow Council Shadowsong Silver Hand Silvermoon Skywall Smolderthorn Spirestone Stonemaul Stormscale Suramar Terenas Thaurissan Thorium Brotherhood Tichondrius Uldum Vek'nilash Windrunner We don't currently have an ETA for when all realms will be online and playable, but we'll provide an update as soon as more information is available. Thanks for your patience! |
Quick update! The following realms are slowly coming online at this time:
Arathor Azjol-Nerub Bloodscalp Bonechewer Boulderfist Bronzebeard Crushridge Daggerspine Darkspear Draenor Dragonblight Dragonmaw Dunemaul Eldre'Thalas Feathermoon Firetree Frostmane Gurubashi Nathrezim Perenolde Scarlet Crusade Shadow Council Shadowsong Silvermoon Skywall Smolderthorn Spirestone Stonemaul Stormscale Suramar Terenas Uldum Windrunner If your realm is listed above, but is not yet available, give it a few minutes and then check back again. Maintenance is also still underway for the realms listed below. We anticipate that these realms will be online and playable by approximately 2:30 PM PDT. (We'll continue to provide updates in the meantime, though.) Aegwynn Akama Aman'Thul Barthilas Blackrock Caelestrasz Chromaggus Dath'Remar Draka Drak'thul Dreadmaul Eitrigg Frostmourne Frostwolf Garithos Gundrak Hakkar Jubei'Thos Khaz Modan Khaz'goroth Kil'jaeden Kilrogg Korgath Kul Tiras Malorne Mug'thol Muradin Nagrand Ner'zhul Proudmoore Rexxar Runetotem Saurfang Sen'jin Silver Hand Thaurissan Thorium Brotherhood Tichondrius Vek'nilash |