"Reputation with the Horde increased by 83"
Bilgewater Cartel: 9/12000 Honored.
Hasn't move since I have done 9 elders.
I assume Gilneas has the same problem.
Thanks for the reports! We've implemented a hotfix to correct this issue and ensure that Horde players receive reputation with Bilgewater Cartel when completing Lunar Festival coin quests.
The hotfix requires a realm restart, so everything should be resolved after tomorrow's scheduled realm maintenance: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/1921699337 |
To my knowledge, Alliance coin quests are currently granting the proper amount of Gilneas reputation when completed. Let me talk with our designers, though, to see if there's a cap at which reputation from those quests is no longer provided. It's certainly possible, but I want to be certain before I say one way or another. This seems to be a bit different than what was happening with the Horde coin quests, by the way. The issue there was that the quests weren't providing reputation with Bilgewater Cartel at all, regardless of a player's faction standing. |
I spoke with our designers a bit more about the Lunar Festival coin quests and what caps, if any, are placed on the reputation provided from them. At present, these quests should only provide reputation with Horde (Orgrimmar, Undercity, Darkspear, Thunder Bluff, Silvermoon City, Bilgewater Cartel) and Alliance (Stormwind, Ironforge, Gnomeregan, Darnassus, Exodar, Gilneas) reputations up to 5999/6000 Friendly. This is indeed intended, as many of you have guessed, but we absolutely appreciate the feedback provided in this thread -- both in relation to the Lunar Festival and the reputation cap itself.
For clarity, there was a separate issue that was preventing eligible Horde characters, regardless of their faction standing, from earning Bilgewater Cartel reputation when completing the Lunar Festival coin quests. Even if they were Neutral with Bilgewater, for example, they were not receiving the 75 reputation as intended. This has since been resolved with a hotfix and should be live on all realms. |
We're actually already looking into Thunder Bluff and the point at which it caps (thanks in large part to your previous report), and I believe we'll be applying a hotfix shortly. |